[Database Initial Letter ]
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N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
[ S ]

The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Reference Assembly Panel Database (ScRAPdb) is a online database to host and visualize the global S. cerevisiae genomic resources in the telomere-to-telomere (T2T) era. ScRAPdb provides comprehensive characterization and visualization of these reference-quality genomes regarding their phylogenetic relationship, genomic variants, orthologous groups, and very importantly, their matched pan-omics resources (i.e., pangenome, pantranscriptome, panproteome, and panphenome), leading to a pan-multi-omics understanding of the global genetic and phenotpic diversity for S. cerevisiae.
Link: https://www.evomicslab.org/db/ScRAPdb/
Publication: Miao et al. (2024) Nucleic Acids Research